Discover the world of BlentMore!

Posted by Julie De Wever | 04/02/2021 05:00:00


BlentMore is a new startup company where we specialize in the production of artisan chocolate pralines. We are determined to create a wide variety of flavor combinations to make sure there is something for everyone. Our team consists of 3 people of one family: Sven De Wever, Carole Melis, and Julie De Wever. Our background lies in Belgium, where we have lived most of our lives, until June 2018. We moved to Portugal to enjoy the sunshine and escape the busy lifestyles we had. Now that we have lived here for almost three years, we decided that we wanted to combine our love for Belgian chocolates and the lovely flavors of nature from Portugal. Therefore, we use Callebaut chocolate to represent our Belgian heritage in combination with typical Portuguese products such as oranges and figs.

BlentMore Originals

The very first collection that we have launched is the BlentMore Originals. The idea behind this collection is that we can introduce our customer to the world of BlentMore by offering them a variety of basic flavours as well as a couple of more innovative ones to create a balance. There are 8 different flavours in the collection now, and all 8 are included in our 3 sizes of BlentMore boxes. One of the more basic flavours is our Double Almond praline. A combination of a crunchy almond layer on top of a silky milk chocolate ganache. We also wanted to add a couple of bonbons that refer to the Algarve, our production location. One of the main Algarvian bonbons we have is Blossom. The filling consists of an orange reduction on top of a flavourful orange ganache made with oranges from the Algarve obviously. We hope that you get a chance to try our Originals collection and we would love to hear your thoughts and feels about them!

Startup, Bonbon Lines, Atelier